Output of tree is executed by sign after it.
We shall suppose, that words "record" (of DBMS) and "tag" (of XML) are synonyms, and that words "field" and "attribute" are synonyms too. For example, expressions "enclosed record" and "enclosed table" are absolutely lawfully.
It's necessary to put sign "#" before names of some tables and fields to prevent output of them.
a[data10.1].#b.c[#data] ; |
<a id=1 data=10.1> <c id=100 /> <c id=101 /> <c id=200 /> <c id=201 /> <c id=200 /> </a> |
a[data10.1].#b.c#[id] ; |
<a id=1 data=10.1> <c id=100 /> <c id=101 /> <c id=200 /> <c id=201 /> <c id=200 /> </a> |
If section is list, then it's possible to sort output of its elements (records) by increasing or decreasing of values of some fields. For this purpose, it's necessary to put integer and mark "з" before names of these fields (we shall name this number as factor. Factor may not be equal to zero). Fields will be used for sorting in sequence, in which modules of their factors grow. Positive factor means sorting by increasing, negative factor - by decreasing. Thus TML-expression
a.b.c ; |
<a id=1 data=12.3> <b id=10 data=23.4> <c id=100 data=56.7/> <c id=101 data=67.8/> </b> <b id=20 data=34.5> <c id=200 data=78.9/> <c id=201 data=89.1/> </b> <b id=30 data=45.6> <c id=200 data=91.2/> </b> </a> |
a.b[-1зdata].c[-1зdata] ; |
<a id=1 data=12.3> <b id=30 data=45.6> <c id=200 data=91.2/> </b> <b id=20 data=34.5> <c id=201 data=89.1/> <c id=200 data=78.9/> </b> <b id=10 data=23.4> <c id=101 data=67.8/> <c id=100 data=56.7/> </b> </a> |
It's possible to request no all unsorted records, but only records, beginning from some certain record, about which we know values of all its fields. For this purpose, it's necessary to put mark "з" before names of all fields, and sign "=" and value of field after names. Thus TML-expression
It's possible to request no all sorted records, but only records, beginning from some certain record - it's necessary to apply simultaneously sorting and starting for this. Thus TML-expression
Picture can be value of database field, but its URL is sent as value of field instead of it at TML-request for separate HTTP-request of browser. In HTML4 browser can use this attribute (field) only if its name is "src" and it is in tag (table) "IMG". In HTML5 browser can use it in attribute "src" of any tag, it last has property "display: img".
x ; |
<x id="10" data1="Larry" data2="http://distination.org/?file_id=6382503452"> |
It's possible to send any text
'<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="a.xsl"?>' ; |
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="a.xsl"?> |
'text' ; |
text |
'<anytag>' ; |
<anytag> |
'</anytag>' ; |
</anytag> |
a[data10.1].b.c ; |
<a id=1 data=10.1> <b id=10 data=23.4> <c id=100 data=56.7/> <c id=101 data=67.8/> </b> <b id=20 data=34.5> <c id=200 data=78.9/> <c id=201 data=89.1/> </b> <b id=30 data=45.6> <c id=200 data=91.2/> </b> </a> |
Data is send to destination, which is specified in fields ral and ru of table sys at moment of sending. These values point to user agent (program-terminal, browser, etc), sent request, at start of trigger of root table (this is 'formdata, tabledata, treedata, html' most often), but it's possible to change them in any moment (thus database itself can make request into other databases to create answer for browser).
If you want to duplicate a tree in a database, then send it to youself - ran=0 for that.